CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 22
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 22 (1998)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1998-05].iso
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70 lines
/* prims.h: This file defines inline primitives, which are called as functions
from the big SWITCH in forth.c */
/* push mem[ip] to cstack */
#define lit() { push (mem[ip++]); }
/* add an offset (this word) to ip */
#define branch() { ip += mem[ip]; }
/* return a key from input */
#define key() { push(pkey()); }
/* return TRUE if break key pressed */
#define qterminal() { pqterm(); }
/* and: a b -- a & b */
#define and() { push (pop() & pop()); }
/* or: a b -- a | b */
#define or() { push (pop() | pop()); }
/* xor: a b -- a ^ b */
#define xor() { push (pop() ^ pop()); }
/* sp@: push the stack pointer */
#define spfetch() { push (csp); }
/* sp!: load initial value into SP */
#define spstore() { csp = mem[S0]; }
/* rp@: fetch the return stack pointer */
#define rpfetch() { push (rsp); }
/* rp!: load initial value into RP */
#define rpstore() { rsp = mem[R0]; }
/* ;S: ends a colon definition. */
#define semis() { ip = rpop(); }
/* @: addr -- mem[addr] */
#define fetch() { push (mem[pop()]); }
/* C@: addr -- mem[addr] */
#define cfetch() { push (mem[pop()] & 0xff); }
/* push to return stack */
#define tor() { rpush(pop()); }
/* pop from return stack */
#define fromr() { push (rpop()); }
/* 0=: a -- (a == 0) */
#define zeq() { push ( pop() == 0 ); }
/* 0<: a -- (a < 0) */
#define zless() { push ( pop() < 0 ); }
/* +: a b -- (a+b) */
#define plus() { push (pop () + pop ()); }
/* MINUS: negate a number */
#define minus() { push (-pop()); }
/* drop: a -- */
#define drop() { pop(); }
/* DOCOL: push ip & start a thread */
#define docol() { rpush(ip); ip = w+1; }
/* do a constant: push the value at mem[w+1] */
#define docon() { push (mem[w+1]); }
/* do a variable: push (w+1) (the PFA) to the stack */
#define dovar() { push (w+1); }
/* execute a user variable: add UP to the offset found in PF */
#define douse() { push (mem[w+1] + ORIGIN); }
#define allot() { Callot (pop()); }
/* comparison tests */
#define equal() { push(pop() == pop()); }
/* not equal */
#define noteq() { push (pop() != pop()); }
/* DODOES -- not supported */
#define dodoes() { errexit("DOES> is not supported."); }
/* DOVOC -- not supported */
#define dovoc() { errexit("VOCABULARIES are not supported."); }
/* (BYE) -- exit with error code */
#define pbye() { exit(0); }
/* TRON -- trace at pop() depth */
#define tron() { trace = TRUE; tracedepth = pop(); }
/* TROFF -- stop tracing */
#define troff() { trace = 0; }